Roadmap Towards Zero Single Use Plastics 2018-2030

Plastic pollution is a global problem that needs to be addressed in a sustainable manner. Malaysia has always promoted sustainable development by balancing economic growth with environmental protection in line with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. Malaysia plans to address single-use plastics by encouraging the plastic industry to transition to eco-friendly products. This will ensure the industry thrives by adapting green technologies while the environment is safeguarded. As such, this Roadmap is prepared to be used as a guide towards zero single-use plastics in Malaysia in a holistic manner.

The vision of this Roadmap is to take a phased, evidence-based and holistic approach by involving all stakeholders in jointly addressing single-use plastics pollution in Malaysia. This Roadmap is envisaged to deploy actions that can deflect the current trajectory to a more sustainable pathway towards a cleaner and healthier environment by 2030. The Roadmap will be implemented from 2018 leading up to 2030 with an expectation that all relevant stakeholders will play their roles effectively to ensure the objectives of this roadmap are met.

Reference :
Malaysia Government Policies. Malaysia’s Roadmap Towards Zero Single-Use Plastics 2018-2030 (2018),

Dec 16,2024